World Cup Ski Technique
World Cup skiers are the most efficient and most dynamic turn producers and edge changers in all of skiing. All future skiing technical development for learning and teaching modern techniques are first seen in this disciple.
Atle Lie McGrath is a Norwegian World Cup alpine ski racer who just won the last slalom race, at 21 years old. Here are the same techniques McGrath uses that we teach at Harb Ski Systems camps, which explain 4 of the 5 "Essentials of Skiing" from our PMTS Direct Parallel system.
The Release
From these fully committed angles in a turn to the new edge angles for the next turn, "this is the transition", which requires a series of crucial movements for all skiers. |
The lower body, boots, skis, and legs change angles from being uphill, or into the slope, toward the downhill side. Both legs and knees are bent the same amount at the point when the skis are flat on the snow. This is a crucial and critical movement criterion. |
The lower body keeps tipping under the hips and the hips and upper body are held over the skis and boots. The hips are not dropped to the inside of the turn until the newly engaged edges are achieved. |
The graphics in this photo demonstrate the explanation of movements. 1-The red arrow indicates that the right or uphill hip is lowered and the leg stays bent on that side until lower body angles are achieved. 2-The Yellow line demonstrates that no extension is used. This allows lateral tipping movements with both legs and skis. 3-The blue curved line shows that the shoulders are stable, and not leaning into the next arc. 4-The purple curved line shows that his ski pole tip stays on or close to the snow on the uphill side in transition. This is a key indicator of his "Counter Balancing" ability with his upper body at the top of the arc. |
All movements and cues I describe here, we teach to students in our Harb Ski System camps. These movements are "Essential" for recreational skiers, coaches, and ski instructors.
Counter Acting

This is the next photo in the series which demonstrates when the hip is dropped into the center of the arc. And counteracting (of the hips and shoulders) for dealing with the forces is achieved. In previous posts, I have described much more about "Counteracting" if you scroll down further.
Yes, I dig! Nice explanation and graphics. On a related note: It was so fun to meet Diana Rogers at Welch Village yesterday while she was shooting some new instructional footage with Ebbie Makarios behind the lense! Peter Zotalis runs a great operation there.
Good explanation, thanks, I Want learn Everyday
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