Friday, October 15, 2021

The world's "Best Skiers" ski with the world's most efficient technique.

 When learning to ski with “PMTS Direct Parallel” ™ you end up with the same technique as Hirscher. Without trying anything special and skiing my normal turns, the technical elements of these two techniques are exactly the same. I knew nothing about Hirscher or his technique when I wrote my books, “Anyone can be an Expert Skier” and the “Essentials of Skiing.” He is 29 and I am 71 in these photos. Hirscher uses the most efficient ski technique I have ever seen in my coaching career. With efficiency, you can ski for the rest of your life, with less fatigue, complete control, and more fun.

1 comment:

  1. I agree.
    I'm also 71 and have practiced PMTS for 10 yrs. It makes for elegant skiing.
    Thanks Harald.
