Everything I've written about ski technique, beginning with the, "Anyone can be an Expert Skier 1" book, is in this photo of modern world cup technique. Let's review:
1. Inside foot pulled back, and ski is lifted or light.
2. Starting with the leading arm the upper body and torso held in counter acted relationship.
3. Outside knee to inside boot proximity.
It's simple to point out these key reference points for skiing the right movements. However learning to get here, requires the right movements. That is where PMTS really shines, it tells you and explains exactly how to get to this type of skiing.
If you had been following PMTS 10 years ago and using PMTS movements, you would have been 10 years ahead of what is happening now.
Outside knee to boot proximity.
ReplyDeleteI call it accuracy in lead change. Accuracy in lead change allows for increased angles of inside hip, knee, and ankle.
Accuracy in lead change allows for higher percentage of accuracy in counteracting and maintaining edge engagement in lower C of turn.
Accuracy in lead change isn't instinctive and it has to be developed at the youngest ages.